Get Short Sale and Foreclosure Help and Assistance from a Middle Tennessee Distressed Real Estate, Short Sale, Pre-foreclosure and Foreclosure REALTOR and Real Estate Expert
Property Owners and Homeowners in Middle Tennessee: (Rutherford County TN, Williamson County TN, Davidson County TN, Murfreesboro TN, Smyrna TN, La Vergne TN, Eagleville TN, Lascassas TN, Rockvale TN, Christiana TN, Brentwood TN, Franklin TN, Nashville TN and Belle Meade TN) - Get Expert Assistance from a Middle Tennessee Distressed Real Estate, Short Sale, Pre-foreclosure and Foreclosure REALTOR, Real Estate Expert & Real Estate Professional
If one or more of the above situations apply to you then you need to get help from a Short Sale, Pre-foreclosure and Foreclosure REALTOR & Real Estate Professional who can help you avoid Foreclosure, sell your home via a Short Sale, or even get a Loan Modification.

A Loan Modification may help you keep your home and should be considered. However, many lenders seem unwilling to grant modifications for a number of reasons including that most loan modifications fail. If you cannot get a loan modification, or your home is worth less than the mortgage balance(s), or you just can't afford to keep your home then a Short Sale may be your best option as it could salvage what is left of your credit and to reduce the risk of the lender pursuing you for their net loss (deficiency judgment). Acting quickly will give you the greatest chance of getting your life back without all the stress and worry. For immediate help please contact Jim McCormack now!*
Foreclosure and Short Sale Help and Assistance Hotline
(615) 653-4383
*Jim McCormack is a REALTOR, not an attorney. You should consult an attorney before making any real estate decisions.
If you would like more information first, please let me introduce myself. My name is James W. McCormack. I am a Short Sale, Pre-foreclosure and Foreclosure REALTOR and Real Estate Expert. I am a 10+ year real estate sales veteran and full-time real estate professional who specializes in helping property owners (homeowners, real estate investors, real estate developers and home builders) in Middle TN who have defaulted in their mortgage payments, are in foreclosure, and/or who need expert help and assistance with a real estate short sale (i.e. where the property value is worth less than the mortgage debt).
I focus on short sales, pre-foreclosures, foreclosures and investment properties in the Middle Tennessee TN market with my primary focus being on Rutherford County TN, Williamson County TN, Davidson County TN, Murfreesboro TN, Smyrna TN, La Vergne TN, Eagleville TN, Lascassas TN, Rockvale TN, Christiana TN, Brentwood TN, Franklin TN, Nashville TN and Belle Meade TN. My website helps you to search for and find short sale listings, pre-foreclosure listings and foreclosure listings in Murfreesboro TN, Smyrna TN, La Vergne TN, Brentwood TN, Franklin TN, Belle Meade TN and Nashville TN.
If you are a property owner or homeowner in Middle Tennessee who cannot pay your mortgage (due to job loss, income reduction, illness, health problems, etc.), or your home is already in foreclosure, or you owe more than your home is worth, please contact me to discuss your options including a loan modification or a short sale. I am a Middle Tennessee distressed real estate, short sale, pre-foreclosure (preforeclosure) and foreclosure REALTOR and Expert. I serve real estate owners, homeowners and investment property owners in Rutherford County TN, Williamson County TN, Davidson County TN, Murfreesboro TN, Smyrna TN, La Vergne TN, Eagleville TN, Lascassas TN, Rockvale TN, Christiana TN, Brentwood TN, Franklin TN, Nashville TN and Belle Meade TN. If you do need to short sell your home (sell even though you owe more than your home is worth), or you need a quick sale due to being in foreclosure, you can request help and assistance on my website at
Get Help and Assistance from a Middle Tennessee Short Sale and Foreclosure REALTOR and Real Estate Expert.
I am a real estate expert who is here to help you.
Please call me at 615-653-4383 to discuss your real estate situation or problems. I almost always return phone calls by the next business day.
I provide the following real estate services:
Specialty and Challenging Real Estate (Sales, Consulting & Leasing):
- Physically Distressed Properties (i.e. fixer uppers, rehab properties, handyman specials, etc.).
- Foreclosures.
- Pre-foreclosures (i.e. Notice of Default, etc.).
- Short Sales (i.e. where the sale price is not enough to pay off the mortgage(s) and other liens.).
- Bank Owned Real Estate (i.e. REO's).
- Divorce Sales.
- Estate Sales.
- Abandoned and Vacant Properties.
- Rental Homes and Properties (Leasing and Consulting).
- Lease Option/Lease Purchase Homes (Sales, Leasing & Consulting).
- Other Difficult Situations.
Commercial and Investment Real Estate (Sales & Leasing):
- Small Multifamily Properties (2-4 units).
- Apartment Buildings (5+ units).
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Find Short Sales, Pre-foreclosures, Foreclosures, REO's, Bank Owned Properties, Fixer Uppers & Other Distressed Real Estate